Nvidia’s Stock Keeps Rising: ‘No Reason to Worry Right Now’

Nvidia’s Stock Keeps Rising: ‘No Reason to Worry Right Now’

Nvidia continues to be a strong performer in the semiconductor industry, and Bernstein remains optimistic about Nvidia and Broadcom as top picks in the sector. Despite a recent dip in the semiconductor industry’s performance relative to the broader market, these companies are still viewed as leaders in their field.

The semiconductor sector has recently lost much of its early 2024 momentum compared to the S&P 500, but it remains slightly ahead overall. Bernstein’s analyst Stacy Rasgon highlighted this in his recent analysis, noting that while semiconductor stocks had significantly outpaced the S&P 500 by 2,000 basis points just three months ago, they are now only 120 basis points ahead.

Rasgon commented that the semiconductor sector has seen some of its earlier gains fade, but he reassured investors that now is not the time to panic. The broader market has caught up to some extent, but key players like Nvidia and Broadcom continue to exhibit strength, maintaining their position as top choices for investors.

Nvidia, in particular, has continued to see gains in its stock price, despite the cooling off of the sector as a whole. On Thursday, Nvidia’s stock increased by 1.92%, demonstrating its resilience in a market that has been facing headwinds. Broadcom, another favorite of Bernstein, saw an even larger rise of 3.97% on the same day, reinforcing the firm’s confidence in these companies as long-term investments.

The PHLX Semiconductor Index (SOX), a key benchmark for the industry, reflected this cooling off. Earlier in the year, semiconductor stocks were easily outperforming the S&P 500, but recent months have seen the gap narrow considerably. While the S&P 500 has posted modest gains, semiconductor stocks have slowed, but remain slightly ahead of the broader market.

Rasgon’s analysis points out that the sector’s recent slowdown isn’t a cause for concern. Rather, it reflects a natural cooling after an extended period of significant outperformance. His outlook remains positive for key players like Nvidia and Broadcom, which continue to dominate the semiconductor space and are well-positioned for future growth.

In conclusion, while the semiconductor industry as a whole may not be surging ahead of the S&P 500 as dramatically as it was earlier this year, leading companies like Nvidia and Broadcom continue to perform well. Investors should remain confident in these stocks, as the fundamentals of these companies remain strong, and the sector’s recent dip is seen as a temporary adjustment rather than a cause for alarm.

As Rasgon stated, “The time to worry is clearly not now.”

This reassures investors that the long-term outlook for semiconductor stocks, particularly those of Nvidia and Broadcom, remains solid despite the recent cooling off in the market. The overall trajectory for these companies continues to point upward, offering growth opportunities in the months ahead.